The Buyer’s Guide to a Start-Up Society

The Buyer’s Guide to a Start-Up Society

Dennis Riness

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If you are considering participation in a Start-Up Society here are some things you should consider before you get involved.  These points all come from the Civilization Engineering® technology and are based on parameters needed to create a stable, durable civilization.  These are some of the parameters you do not want to be without.

Civilization Engineering® is about equal on the excitement/romance scale with plumbing.  Plumbing is that system which brings fresh water to you and carries away the dirty water.  Normally you never think about it— until it stops working.  It is the same with Civilization Engineering®. If you get the landlord–tenant relationship correct, for instance, and have a means to hold it in place, everything runs smoothly just as when the plumbing is all in order and working fine.  But get the landlord–tenant relationship wrong, and things can go very badly. This landlord-tenant relationship is just one of the fundamental parameters one needs to have in place to start a successful society/community/civilization.

Here are some parameters I would not want to be without:

[Words with the ce superscript are words defined in the Civilization Engineering® Glossary found on]

  • Separate Private and Commonsce
    There should be a strict delineation of sovereignty between the private areas and the Commonsce. What happens between consenting adults behind closed doors in the private areas is of no concern to the Communityce Managers with the only exception: any activity creating Externalitiesce can be prohibited. An example is the guy who makes a huge stink with his fertilizer production program that creates an intolerable smell outside of his private area.  Any behind-closed-doors activity that endangers others outside of one’s own private area is the province of the Communityce Managers, otherwise the Managers have no say.

  • Communityce Manager Duties
    The Landlord, or Communityce Manager, is restricted to creating and maintaining the infrastructure— aka the Commonsce— and managing the Externalitiesce. The infrastructure includes the streets, the water supply, the sewer system, the electrical grid, the telephone or fiber optic grid as a minimum.Managing the Externalitiesce includes traffic control, noise and vibration restrictions etc. Any activity that people do that annoys the neighbors should be administered by the Communityce Management and the level of allowable annoyance determined by the CommunityceThe Communityce Manager is prohibited from imposing health care, education, retirement programs, welfare programs, an established religion etc. Those types of programs can be incorporated into the community’s initial contract/constitution and would thus be agreed to by the Tenants/property owners before activities commence; but including these things above and beyond infrastructure duties and Externalitiesce is not a good practice as history has shown.  My personal preference is to have the absolute minimum scope of duties assigned to the Communityce Management and keep it there; but other people want more done on the collective/community level and they are free to find those communities that provide those things, or just work within the freedom of the community itself and involve only those who chose to be involved.

    There are many tradeoffs in a Communityce design.  Should there be zoning or not? is one example. Should there be a Building Code? is another. Find the style of Communityce you like and live there; but always keep the private areas private and out of the reach of the Communityce Management.

    How to keep an oversight and brake on the Communityce Management so it does not turn everything into a Public-Works-Boondoggle in those arenas it is assigned to is an important parameter that will have to be addressed later— space not permitting here./

  • Arbitration Agreed Upon with a Neutral Third Party
    There should be a contract or constitution governing the Communityce and within that constitution a specified, separate and neutral third party to settle any disputes between Communityce Management and the Tenants. This third party is empowered to make binding decisions on any dispute between Communityce Management and the Tenants. This third party is an independent enterprise not constitutionally connected to the Communityce or the Tenants. The Communityce and its Tenants are separately customers of the third party.This same third party could also be used to settle disputes between Tenants but not necessarily.  Deputes could be settled between Tenants by the Communityce  Whichever arrangement is used would be part of the constitution of the Communityce.

  • Internal and External Defense
    One design parameter that always needs to be addressed is defense: both internal and external. How should this be done?  Is it a citizens’ militia with mandatory participation of all?  Or is it to be contracted to outside agencies and paid for by all Tenants?   These things need to be decided and settled up front when the contract between Communityce Management and Tenants is formed.

  • Permitted Actions
    The goal is Freedomce which means voluntary interactions at all times. The governing rule in a Communityce should be: all voluntary interactions are permitted as long as they do not create an Externalityce and all involuntary interactions are prohibited.Trade with others outside the society’s territory shall be permitted without restriction.  There should be no trade tariffs or restrictions between members of the society and/or the outside world.

  • Who Is In and Who Is Out
    All persons who agree to the governing rule above— of what is permitted and what is not permitted— can be participants in the society. Those who cannot agree to and abide by the rule above are not permitted into the society.I would like to find at this point a startup society that excludes Muslims.  Islam’s mission statement is to convert everyone to Islam and Sharia Law or murder them.  Islam is utterly incapable of getting into agreement with the above rule.  Islam is totally incompatible with any civilization worthy of the name civilization.  I would reject any proposal for a startup society that did not recognize this incompatibility of Islam with anything else and thus exclude all Muslims from consideration in the society.  Islam should be excluded until that time it has its version of the Enlightenment and discovers the value of practicing toleration.

  • The Society’s Status Within the State
    Every place on the earth’s surface is claimed by some political state. What is to be the status of a startup society within that state is a central question that needs to be settled before the new society is commenced. What the startup society would ideally have is complete sovereignty over its area. This may be very difficult to obtain but will be necessary in the long run.  Do not proceed without some general agreement as to who controls what.  Do not assume anything about this relationship with the local political state.Those who build on the open sea should still get into agreement with some political states regarding using their ports.

  • Start–Change–Stop
    Start–Change–Stop is the classic description of a cycle of action. Every cycle of human action follows this pattern of a beginning (Start), something moving or changing (Change) and eventually coming to an end (Stop).  For the startup society one of the most important parameters is the contract between the Tenants and the Communityce  If over time it becomes necessary to change the rules or to change the Management, the question is how is this to be done?  Some provisions must be stated in the society’s constitution as to how changes are to be made.

  • See the article Executive Summary on the website com for a more information on how to design a startup society.

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