Civilization Engineering

Civilization Engineering®: Executive Summary

Dennis Riness

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Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International License

(Download a PDF version of Civilization Engineering®: Executive Summary)

CE (Civilization Engineering®) is the answer to our failing civilization. CE provides the conceptual framework that will build the world’s first stable, durable civilization.

The theme here is: do not oppose the horse-and-buggy; build the automobile. Henry Ford created a true revolution in transportation by not wasting his time and energy opposing the horse-and-buggy; he created a revolution by building the automobile. Once the automobile industry got rolling, people did not have to be bludgeoned into abandoning the horse-and-buggy and adopting the automobile. The automobile is just such a superior way of getting around everyone prefers to use it instead of the horse-and-buggy.

The same dynamic will obtain when we build superior education, healthcare, retirement plans, a monetary system, property protection and proprietary community management and many more such institutions that flow out of the CE technology. People will see the better way of doing things and just naturally migrate toward those things which better serve them. The old institutions will just go away as did the horse-and-buggy. We lead by example, as did Henry Ford.

CE shows that everything must be done on a voluntary basis— no Coercionce can ever bring the first stable, durable civilization into existence. Trying to coerce one’s way to a stable, durable civilization is a contradiction in terms.

Where to begin? The opportunities are almost endless. Any arena presently being dominated by the State with its coercive approach is an arena of opportunity. Any program based on tax money for its functioning is a boondoggle that cannot produce. Take education for example. Compulsory, tax-supported education is the perfect model of communism— which always ends in failure and bankruptcy since communism is contrary to human nature. The guaranteed revenue flow to the school district from property taxes is a magnet for the parasitic class. Education is overrun by an army of pompous asses who know nothing about the learning process and hence do not know a thing about creating an educational system. These “educators” are just sucking down at the public trough, have no accountability and are living a lie by deceiving the public that they are providing education. The best thing that could happen to education is that the compulsory school systems are shut down, the facilities sold to the highest bidder and we let the marketplace— read voluntary interaction— figure out what education looks like.

The problem with just suddenly stopping establishment education is there is currently nothing to replace it. The establishment school system is analogous to the Titanic: we have hit the ice berg, we are going to sink and there are no lifeboats. Asking the average citizen to just jump off the Titanic into the icy sea is too much to ask. We need to build the alternative. The more we build before the system completely capsizes the better. We need to build those lifeboats. We need to build the automobile before people will abandon the horse-and-buggy.

The Goal

The long-range goal of CE is to bring about the world’s first stable, durable civilization. This is done by bringing about Freedomce and Justicece as they are defined in the CE Glossary on this website. [Any word with the ce superscript is a word very precisely defined— usually in an unconventional way— and found in the CE Glossary.] Both Freedomce and Justicece are products that need to be brought into existence like any other product: designed, implemented and marketed by a profit-seeking enterprise.

To bring this magnificent project into being, I will use the best management technology I have run across: The Admin (Administration) Scale of L. Ron Hubbard. It was taught to me by a business consultant I hired to help me with my business. I did not get the chance to use it much before I was shut down but a year later I worked shortly for a company that had the Admin Scale completely dialed-in and it was an “education” to say the least to see it in action. It is the best technology I have ever seen and eclipses anything else on the market. [For those of you with some military training, the Admin Scale is analogous to, if not exactly equivalent to, the Order of Battle.] The Admin Scale is a systematic method of translating one’s long range goal down into the daily activities of your available resources/personnel necessary to bring about that long-range goal. See this website’s Articles to see my version of the Admin Scale which differs slightly from the Hubbard version.

The Admin Scale for a Stable, Durable Civilization (Short Version July 2017)

The Present Scene and the Ideal Scene

The Present Scene

In the USA, we are living in a collapsing civilization. This collapse is the result of the defects built into the design of the US Constitution. The Founders intended the Federal Government they created to have very specific limits on its scope of operations. The Founders believed they had created a Federal system that had brakes on it such that it would always be confined to specified operations and no more. The Brakes have failed miserably. The same defects are to be found in the constitutions of the 50 states and thus the same out-of-control behavior of the so-called state “governments” which are in the process of going far beyond their initial charters and are also collapsing in their own right.

In the arenas that are authorized, there is no brake here either. Not only are the States and the Federal government going beyond their stated functions, they are turning their authorized duties into giant boondoggles and fleecing the taxpayers while rendering very poor services in those arenas that have been authorized.

All civilizations fail for the same and only reason: they incorporate Coercionce into their design. There is no other reason civilizations fail. The institutionalized Coercionce creates a parasitic class that grows like a cancer since no mechanism is in place to stop it. The parasitic class grows until it kills the host: the productive members of society.

The Ideal Scene

The Ideal Scene occurs when we have eliminated all Coercionce from the system. The total absence of Coercionce is defined in the CE Glossary as Freedomce. Under Freedomce everything is voluntary, hence, those things which do not advance our well-being are jettisoned and those things that work for us are retained and advanced. It is only through Coercionce that those things that are not advancing our existence are held in place. Freedomce is the brake on any system that wants to deviate from the assigned and agreed upon duties. If something does not serve your best interest, you are free to detach from that thing and that is the end of it under Freedomce.

So, the question should arise: is it possible to build a civilization without Coercionce? Yes, it is possible and in fact essential for our survival. This does not mean there are no restrictions in a Communityce setting. But restrictions are not the same as compulsions and it is restrictions that the Communityce managers establish to create a pleasant and safe environment for all residents in the Communityce. All civilizations have failed by not figuring out how to keep the community managers from initiating physical force or fraud— called Coercionce— and thus collapsing the civilization. Civilization Engineering® keeps the Communityce management from becoming coercive by separating Governmentce functions from Communityce functions.

The Goal (The What):

To bring about Freedomce and Justicece in one geographical area and then the entire planet.

The Purpose (The Why):

To create the world’s first stable, durable civilization.

The Policy (The How):

  • – Private Property
  • – Voluntary Interaction
  • – Proprietary Management of the Commonsce


[The items below will be fleshed-out in the expanded version of the Admin Scale. This short version is just to sketch the outline of what is needed.] All Plans are profit-seeking enterprises and should be started immediately. The more we get in place before the collapse of the current “civilization,” the easier will be the collapse.

1. Education

Build an education system for K-12 ages that is voluntarily subscribed to and accepts no tax money. Classroom format or on-line, either way or a mixture of both. Go into competition with the existing establishment system. In a short time, this new system will be seen as a threat to the establishment and will be attacked. Be prepared with a defense by a third party known as a proprietary Government
ce. Build this school on the principles explained in The Study CycleTM available on this website and you will have no competition.

2. Health Care

Set up your own medical protocol and recruit doctors to deliver it. Chose and regulate those doctors who are competent and in agreement with the protocol. These individuals do not have to be those medical practitioners licensed by a state. They are licensed by you. Set up or join up with an insurance company to take care of the large medical costs. Be prepared with a defense by a third party known as a proprietary Governmentce

3. The Benevolent and Protective Order of ProducersTM (BPOP)

This organization is a mutual insurance company and a buying service for financial services, a fraternal organization and much more. Instead of getting one’s health insurance, life insurance and retirement nest egg from one’s employer and thus being overly tied into one source for everything financial in your life, this organization allows one to separate those needs giving one much more flexibility in one’s employment and financial planning. BPOP is the “home base” for productive people. It is done on a voluntary, subscriptive, fee-for-service basis and could be called collectivism done right. Its motto is one-for-all-and-all-for-one which is a way of stating the insurance principle in action.

4. A Proprietary Court System

Officiating— arbitration and contract-enforcement— done on a voluntary, subscriptive, fee-for-service basis with everyone at risk for getting the “officiating” done correctly. Much more to follow on this one.

5. The Monetary System

The ideal monetary system will provide the marketplace with a system it has never seen before: a monetary system where all price movements reflect a change in supply and demand for goods and services and not the variations in prices due to the manipulation of the monetary supply.

Money is a tool when done correctly but like all tools it can be used as a weapon which is the only way it has ever been used. Now with the electronics available, a true monetary system can be constructed for the first time in history. The monetary system is a special form of Communityce and thus also needs to be officiated and protected by a third party called Governmentce. There will be much more on this subject on this website. For now, see the articles on Riegel, The Gold Is Money Trap and Money: Executive Summary on this website.

6. A Geographical Communityce

A geographical/physical Communityce is just a hotel writ large. The two primary functions of a geographical community are 1) creating and maintaining the infrastructure — aka the Commonsce — and 2) managing Externalitiesce. There are many “styles” to this type of project both as to the form of management and the ambience of the Commonsce the management chooses to pursue; but in all cases the management is at risk: if management performs it gets paid and does not get paid if it does not perform. This being at risk puts the Communityce managers on a proprietary basis where all managers should be but presently none are. The contract between the Communityce and its residents is “officiated” by a third part called A Proprietary Court System (#4 above). Much more on this later.

7. A Proprietary Governmentce

An agency that provides protective services including but not limited to the Administration of Physical Forcece
when done on a voluntary, subscriptive, fee-for-service basis; a Governmentce does not govern (compel/coerce/rule) its customers, it only protects them and their property. It is funded through the insurance mechanism and officiated over by A Proprietary Court System. Much more on this later.

8. The Clearinghousece

The goal of the Clearinghousece is to preserve, refine, and advance the intellectual property essential to the survival of the civilization. This vital function is presently assigned to the universities which feed off of tax money and hence suffer the same poor performance as does the K–12 school system. Presently the status of Intellectual Property is not clear and the civilization suffers for it. A better system of rewarding those members of society whose work-product is Intellectual Property will need to be worked out before the Clearinghousece can be made functional.

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